ABA builds the Marketplace Research Databases based on the input from registered delegates on their organization’s Marketplace and Membership Profiles. Complete and/or review your profile questions through the links in My Event Passport. This will improve your matching results during the research and appointment request period. Your profile data is key to creating an individualistic experience.
Additionally, companies can upload profile resources to provide a multi-media view of its tour product. Companies can upload an unlimited number of PDF, video links, and images to enrich your sales story. These resources become real-time, live links on your company’s profile and are viewable by all registered delegates.
Profile forms for all companies attending Marketplace are available on-line through My Event Passport. Using the interactive Motorcoach and Tour Operator database will help you determine which companies meet your criteria; these will be the profiles you want to research. In using the database, popular searches are by: Tour Destinations, Marketing Activities, Operator Size, Customer Base, and Facilities Used.
Remember when searching the profile database, the more criteria you select, the smaller the results of your search will be. You may want to start with your ideal group. Choose your city as a top destination, the type of market you would prefer to cater too, or search for operators who use your type of facility in their tours. Your search may result in only a few companies, but these will be your top priority prospects when requesting your appointments. Keep in mind that the data is only as good as the information supplied by the operators when completing their ABA membership profile form. Some information may be incomplete. If your first, most specific searches result with nothing, keep trying by broadening your search criteria.
Profile forms for all companies attending Marketplace are available on-line through My Event Passport. Using the interactive Seller database will help you determine which companies meet your criteria; these will be the profiles you want to research.
In using the database, popular searches are by: Seller Location, Supplier Services. Remember when searching the profile database, the more criteria you select, the smaller the results of your search will be. Keep in mind that the data is only as good as the information supplied by the travel industry members when completing their ABA membership profile form. Some information may be incomplete. If your first, most specific searches result with nothing, keep trying by broadening your search criteria.