Do You Have an Extra Stitch of Time to Volunteer? Volunteer and Be in the “Sew”!
“The value of volunteering is huge because of the ability to meet/network with everyone in one venue. I have taken back best practices and networked with my other suppliers. ABA has always been a “family” and so welcoming. It can be a scary experience if you don’t have an extroverted personality so Marketplace allows for inclusion of the masses.”
Patti Lloyd, 2024 recipient of the ABA Lifetime Volunteer Award
After September 19, 2024, you can log in and sign up directly if registered with SignUp.com (formerly Volunteer Spot). New to SignUp.com? No problem! Sign up for a free account using your name, email address, and password. You’ll receive reminder emails about your assignments one week before your scheduled slot.
Here’s how it works:
Choose Your Volunteer Area: Explore the list of volunteer areas and positions available at Marketplace. Click on the SignUp.com link for your preferred location.
Select Your Time: Consult the Marketplace schedule and your Marketplace Passport to determine the best time for you to volunteer. Our calendar lists each assignment’s dates, times, positions, and locations.
Secure Your Assignment: Click the orange “SignUp.com” button to secure your volunteer assignment. You can even automatically add it to your Outlook or other calendars for convenience.
Manage Your Assignment: Need to make changes to your volunteer assignment? No problem! Simply log into SignUp.com and make the necessary adjustments.
Thank you for your willingness to contribute to Marketplace’s success. Your dedication and support are truly appreciated. Let’s make this event a resounding success together!
Volunteer of the Day Program
Each day of Marketplace a “Volunteer of the Day” will be selected. For every volunteer shift, volunteers are encouraged to fill out a raffle ticket. Each day one will be selected to receive the prize of $150 gift card.
Volunteer of the Week Award
At the end of the Marketplace week a “Volunteer of the Week” will be selected from the remaining raffle tickets completed by volunteers for every shift. The prize is a $250 gift card.
Volunteer Prize Sponsors
Boston Duck Tours

Shepler’s Mackinac Island Ferry

Bus Industry Safety Council /Bus Maintenance and Repair Council Booth
BISC/BUSMARC Council Members can volunteer at the BISC/BUSMARC Booth to share the mission of the council and its services.
Education Breakout Sessions
The Education Seminars volunteer positions are:
Subcommittee Member Position
Assist delegates in finding their education room and answer basic questions regarding the schedule. Subcommittee Member Position
Floating Moderator
Works with Captain to determine education rooms in need of additional assistance.
Monitor the seminars, introduce the speaker, distribute seminar materials, and collect/tally evaluations. Check out the list of Education Seminars and their session number to sign up for your favorite topic or speaker.
Foundation Booth
Delegates should sign up to assist in the Foundation booth with fundraising efforts.
Meeting Advisory Committee
MAC members should sign up to welcome and thank our delegates for attending Marketplace.
Membership Booth
Delegates should sign up to assist in the Membership booth with recruitment efforts.
Marketplace Delegate Depot
The How-to of Marketplace! A great experience for all delegates, including special services for our first-time, STAR delegates.
Delegate Depot Captain
Subcommittee Member Position.
Delegate Depot Floater
Help maintain the flow of the Delegate Depot by assisting with whatever is needed.
Orientation Floor Tour Guide
Conduct Floor Tour through the Marketplace Floor to point out special areas and help the STAR delegate to become familiar with the floor layout and services.
Delegate Depot Greeter
Welcome Delegate Depot delegates.
Orientation Ambassador
Will hold a one-on-one meeting with STAR Delegate to prepare them for all aspects of their Marketplace experience.
Orientation Center Q & A Session Panelist
Delegates representing each segment will participate as a panelist to discuss tips and strategies for a successful Marketplace STAR experience.
Delegate Depot Computers and Supplies
Perfect for the Computer Whiz! Provide assistance to Delegates with online Research Databases.
Supplies On The Go
Provide office supplies at the Business Floor entrance kiosk to assist delegates. (Sunday/Monday/Tuesday only)
Volunteers are needed to welcome delegates and extend our Marketplace hospitality – perfect for the first-time attendee.
Women in Buses Council Booth
WIB Council Members can volunteer at the WIB Booth to share the mission of the council and its services.